ISMS & Compliance Management
From rule-based to risk based
The NARIS® Compliance Management feature gives you overview and control, and helps you manage compliance. Not only will you have a clear view of all legislation, NEN and ISO standards, but you will also gain insight into the extent to which your organisation complies with them.
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Everything you're looking for in GRC Software.
Including the fun factor.
Build/import control frameworks
As a compliance manager, it is your job to translate legislation into practical controls. ISO27000/27001, COBIT, NEST and other laws and regulations are thus immediately available to your organisation.
Compliance Risk Heat Map
With a Compliance Risk Heat Map, you can easily set priorities based on risk analyses. Hereby, the probability and impact are estimated of various compliance, risks and the control measures to be taken.
Do self-assessments by creating and using questionnaires – such as PIA, DPIA and CRSA – and sending them different departments and projects within the organisation to encourage interaction.
Activity management
As a compliance manager, you monitor the compliance of actions and necessary control measures (in case of non-compliance) by carefully monitoring risks.
Compliance with Latitude
Being fully compliant does not mean that from day one all rules can and must be followed to the letter. Indeed, we know better than anyone that compliance must develop over time so that the organisation can fully accept it. Risk appetite forms the basis for the dialogue between you as compliance manager and the management about the freedom of movement within the legislation and regulations.

How Good is Your Framework?
The role of the compliance officer and CISO can be quite tedious. How do you translate a law into a practical approach? And what are the most important risks for your organisation? Our software enables you to test your framework against those of other organisations. This way you are not alone, and you have good reference material at hand.
Increase Awareness of the Organisation
How do you involve the organisation and take steps with regard to legislation and regulations? Self-assessments, the risk dialogue and incident management are three ways to involve the organisation and to increase the awareness of risks within the organisation. Based on accessible tools, employees are facilitated, and support is created for key risks, a very important aspect within compliance management.

Always Ready for Internal & External Audits
Having to deliver documentation can cause moments of panic during audits. It turns out to be a ‘treasure hunt’ to get everything together. Facilitate internal and external audits through careful document management. This creates a clear overview and documents can quickly be made available upon request. This is also very important for recording and documenting evidence for mandatory audits.
Prevent Duplication of Work for the Organisation
With one control measure, you can comply with multiple standards. It is therefore wise to integrate different laws and regulations into a single set of controls. This also increases efficiency by preventing duplication of work. Moreover, it creates a focus on strategic risks and gives priority to necessary actions. This is how you move from rule-based to risk-based.

Integral View of The Organisation
In order to make the right choices, management needs steering information from the compliance manager. Thanks to tools such as the risk assessment matrix, an integral picture emerges of the non-compliant departments. This enables management to make well-considered choices regarding necessary (additional) investments in respect of subjects such as information security and privacy.
Frequently Asked Questions
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NARIS GRC is very versatile, but many organizations want to introduce it step by step. That is why we facilitate this easily. You can use and configure those parts of the software that you need at that moment. Together we can determine what is most valuable in the beginning and what the growth path is. We are happy to help you with this, so please contact us for the possibilities.
Life is like a box of chocolates. We are happy to help you make the right choice. You can opt for a version that helps you leave Excel behind and take the first steps in professionalization, but if your organization has already come a long way and you want to do everything yourself, that is also possible, so please contact us for more information. possibilities.
If you want, you can set up the environment yourself. The software guides you through this. You can go through a wizard that prepares your device. After that it’s just a matter of starting. You can click Help anywhere in the software and you will be helped on that part with extensive help texts and videos that show you step by step what to do. Do you want us to guide you? That too is possible. We not only help with the design of the software and best practices, but also with consultancy work. Please contact us for the possibilities.
Many software suppliers of GRC software “lean” on the certifications of their hosting party, we also want to be safe ourselves. That is why we have been ISO 27001 certified since 2016. Isn’t that what you expect from your GRC supplier?!
Yes. We have many references and we would like to put you in touch with them. But it is not only important to get to know other organizations in the beginning, it is also good to learn from each other in user groups while using the software. In addition, we have been known for years as the party that shares knowledge! Have a look here