With the greatest care for risk management
Monitor the quality of healthcare with NARIS GRC®. Choose risk management in line with ISO9001, ISO31000 and the Governance Code Healthcare.
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Risicomanagement zorg:
van financieel risicomanagement naarin-control statement voor het jaarverslag
Quality & Safety
With standardized risk analyses you determine the priorities within the most important processes with regards to quality and safety within your healthcare institution.
Risk Control
Make use of the risk control frameworks such as HKZ, ISO9001 and ISO27001/ISO27001 and determine whether the necessary control measures are taken.
Incident Management
Increase staff awareness by having them report incidents easily and anonymously (via an app). Then, enrich the reports and translate them into concrete improvement actions.
Risk Analyses
Reduce the organizational burden by involving employees in various types of risk analyses such as PIA, CRSA, TRIPOD, PRISMA and Bow-Tie.
Risk and Compliance Management
Link documents to standards, laws and regulations. This keeps the accountability process focused within your organization.
Monitor Healthcare Quality with Risk Management
How do you monitor the quality of healthcare without aiming for 100% compliance? Good healthcare is ultimately the main goal of risk management in healthcare, but 100% compliance is not always necessary and certainly not always achievable. In the jungle of laws and regulations, priorities must be clear. Risk management is the instrument par excellence to set these priorities and to continue to provide good healthcare.

Complying With the Healthcare Governance Code
How do you get a mandate and budget from your board to take required steps in risk management? This question concerns many risk managers in the healthcare sector. Fortunately, there is a Governance Code for Healthcare. This code demands that the board of directors regularly discusses risk analyses and is accountable for them. With Risk & Control of NARIS Next, you can support the management and you can demonstrate the operation of risk management systems and align them with the strategy of your healthcare institution.
Link Risk Management and Quality Management
Many healthcare institutions find it difficult to bring quality management (QHSE) to life within the organization. The Healthcare Governance Code states that the risks of the organization’s strategy and the associated various activities should be central to quality management. NARIS’ software makes it possible to link risks and controls directly to the strategy, thereby improving the quality management of your healthcare organization.

Comply With Legal Standards
How do you keep a grip on all the standards and frameworks such as ISO9001/ ISO27001/ ISO3100, HKZ and NEN 7501? The first step is to create an overview of standards. The second step is to determine the risk you are willing to take for each standard. Step 3 is to select the key risks and key controls. Followed by step 4, where the entire organization is involved in performing the risk analysis. Finally, in step 5 the actions and recommendations are monitored based on the risk analysis. With the NARIS software, this is all done in one convenient tool.
Involve the Organization
Everyone can contribute to work safety. Yet, too often the collection of information shop floor fails. For example, employees are questioned by many different risk specialists about certain subjects which can be an unpleasant experience. NARIS Next coordinates the collection of information and enables your organization to ask for information and create a dialogue instead of a barrage of questions. This increases risk awareness and creates support for the actions that need to be taken.

“Risk management contributes to clarifying topics, focus and defining strategic objectives. It is really not about filling in Excel sheets or dry figures. Making it a topic for discussion and starting the dialogue within the organization are essential.”
Thijs van Buuren
Controller Artsen zonder Grenzen

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